Striped mouse

Striped mouse

Striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) on the cover of the August edition of Behaviour

Striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) on the cover of the August edition of Behaviour
My photo and the accompanying paper (see List of publications) were published in this issue.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Summary: Milinkovitch et al. (2013)

Many amniotes (an animal possessing an amnion - sac enclosing the developing embryo) show keratinization of various skin appendages, such as hair, feathers and scales. These different appendages differentiate during embryonic development. The differentiation is genetically controlled by developmental units and reaction-diffusion mechanisms (RDMs) pattern the spatial organisation of these units. Milinkovitch et al. (2013) demonstrate that the face and jaw scales of crocodiles do not form under the influence of these genetically controlled elements. Rather, they are random polygonal domains of highly keratinized skin that form by cracking of the skin in a stress field (a physical self-organizing stochastic process). They suggest that this occurs because the embryonic facial and jaw skeleton undergoes rapid growth and is highly keratinized, which generates the mechanical stress that induces cracking.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Summary: Benedict et al. (2012)

Animals often signal at low frequency or with harsh sounds to indicate aggression. For some species, larger body size is correlated with lower frequency sound production and can potentially indicate fighting ability. Low frequency and harsh sounds may also indicate motivation to be aggressive and to attack. Benedict et al. (2012) investigated whether canyon wrens Catherpes mexicanus alter vocal behaviour (facultative adjustment) in the low frequency range, and whether they utter more harsh calls, in response to territorial intrusions (playback simulations). They found that territory holders altered their song type usage, lowered their frequency and increased song production rate in response to simulated intrusions. Territory holders were also more likely to attach harsh notes to the ends of songs. Benedict et al. (2012) indicate that these results support the motivation-structural hypothesis.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Summary: Mainwaring & Hartley (2013)

Individuals vary in behaviour. While the evolutionary and ecological consequences of this variation have been relatively well studied, the causes remain unknown. One of the primary influences of offspring behavioural development are the parents, which exert the majority of influence during the pre- and early post-natal periods. Female zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata, as for many other bird species, will hatch asynchronous clutches when females initiate incubation prior to completing laying. This drives differences in phenotypic expression between early and late-hatched young. Mainwaring & Hartley (2013) manipulated the hatching patterns of zebra finches and found that late-hatched birds from asynchronous clutches were bolder, exploring a novel environment more, than their earlier hatched or synchronous hatched siblings. They also noted sex differences in exploration of a novel object, with females being bolder than males, regardless of hatching regime. Mainwaring & Hartley's (2013) study provide support that variations in an offspring's early environment can have a significant influence on the expression of its behaviour and provides an insight into how parental investment plays a role in maintaining and generating behavioural variation.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Summary: Padmanabhan et al. (2012)

Transcriptional feedback loops drive the functioning of eukaryotic circadian clocks. Two important mammalian proteins involved in this process are Period (PER) and Cryptochrome (CRY). These proteins aggregate and form large nuclear complexes (PER complex), suppressing their own transcription. Padmanabhan et al. (2012) found the RNA helicases DDX5 and DHX9 are included in the PER complexes of mice. In addition, other molecules, such as RNA polymerase II large subunit, were also located here, promoting the termination of transcription. They found that RNA polymerase II accumulates, during circadian negative feedback, near termination sites on Per and Cry genes, but it does not control these genes. They conclude that this negative feedback mechanism includes direct control of the termination of protein transcription.